Capturing the Moments We Take for Granted with @vandheur
For more snapshots from Hennessy — all shot on his phone — follow @vandheur on Instagram.
“#hellomynameis Hennessy Vandheur (@vandheur). I am 17 years old, and I’m from Anaheim, California. I can tell you the instant I knew I was going to be a photographer for the rest of my life.
I’ve been a foster kid since I was 14, when my mom kicked me out of our house. I was on a rooftop in Los Angeles taking photos during a really dark time in my life. I didn’t know what to do with my life, where to go. But then, I looked out and I saw the city, the lights — I saw just how beautiful the world was around me. There’s such beauty in capturing a moment like that, and making it accessible to everyone. I’ve made it my passion to immortalize the moments around us that we all take for granted.
With photography, I found something that saved me, that made me get up in the morning. It made me want to create something new every day and put something beautiful back in the world. Making art gives you a reason to love yourself — to be able to appreciate yourself for what you do. It’s helped me evolve into someone who’s confident, driven and more satisfied with my life. I smile more often now.”