

Meet Bandit and Fiesta, Two Yorkies Who Love Vinyl

To see more from the Vinyl Yorkies, check out @vinylyorkies on Instagram. For more music stories, head to @music.

In 2012, police officer Francis April (@vinylyorkies) was hanging at a friend’s house in Quebec, drinking wine and listening to music. He was particularly taken with his buddy’s vast record collection, “fascinated by the thickness and quality of the sound, not to mention the ambiance it created,” he recalls. So he got to work building his own collection; his first purchase was Sad Bear by Tony Sly, the late singer of the punk band No Use For A Name. Things took off from there. “I made a list of all the records that have influenced me to this day and tried to find a copy of each,” says Francis.

His shelves began to grow in tandem with his other great passion: His two Yorkies, Bandit and Fiesta, who are siblings from different litters. Bandit, who is 4 years old and Fiesta, 3, were both so undeniably cute that Francis started sharing photos of them with friends and family. Soon enough, he realized that his dogs and records were even better when paired together.

“They are so used to taking pictures with the collection, that sometimes they get ready to pose as soon as I put a record on,” he says. “They like to sit straight in front of the unit. Although they are used to hearing all types of music, I believe the dogs prefer acoustic and folk. They like the relaxing and chilling vibe to it.”

—Instagram @music