Katie Lewis (USA)
Conceptual artist Katie Lewis devises elaborate methods of recording data about herself, be it sensations felt by various body parts or other other aspects of life’s minutiae plotted over time using little more than pins, thread and pencil marked dates. The artworks themselves are abstracted from their actual purpose, and only the organic forms representing the accumulation data over time are left. She describes her process as being extremely rigid, involving the creation of strict rules on how data is collected, documented, and eventually transformed into these pseudo-scientific installations: “The work is often organized into grid-like charts and diagrams mimicking science and medicine’s representations of the body as a specimen, visualy displayed for the purpose of gaining knowledge. In this way I create distance from the information and objectify the experience, giving a false sense that the body is accessible and easily understood.” (src. Colossal) © All images courtesy of the artist
[more Katie Lewis]