
Hey, litterers. Remember that banana peel or water bottle you so carelessly tossed in the street instead of a trash bin? Well, let’s hope this Brooklyn-based artist didn’t get her hands on it because she’s been using remnants of the DNA you’ve left all over town to create 3D portraits of what you could possibly look like. 

The project is part of Heather Dewey-Hagborg‘s ”Stranger Visions” series which reconstructs the face of the DNA owner using simple genetic information found around New York City. She extracts DNAs from wads of hair, chewing gum, and cigarette butts to figure out the right maternal ethnicity, hair color, and gender before designing a matching 3-dimension face with a self-written software. Said software will draw up various possibilities of facial features, and Dewey-Hagborg would use her judgement to create the most aesthetically appealing versions of the DNA owner.

Read more: http://www.digitaltrends.com/lifestyle/brooklyn-artist-makes-3d-portraits-of-faces-using-your-discarded-dna/#ixzz2KWknfajN 
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