Photographer Jill Peters spent time exploring a unique and ancient Albanian phenomenon of “burneshas” – sworn in virgins, who must renounce their femininity and spend their lives as men. The tradition dates back to 15th century, and would be practiced in families where there would be no men to take over family’s businesses. Peters also gives a slightly different explanation:
“The freedom to vote, drive, conduct business, earn money, drink, smoke, swear, own a gun or wear pants was traditionally the exclusive province of men. Young girls were commonly forced into arranged marriages, often with much older men in distant villages. As an alternative, becoming a Sworn Virgin, or ‘burnesha” elevated a woman to the status of a man and granted her all the rights and privileges of the male population. In order to manifest the transition such a woman cut her hair, donned male clothing and sometimes even changed her name. Male gestures and swaggers were practiced until they became second nature. Most importantly of all, she took a vow of celibacy to remain chaste for life. She became a “he”. This practice continues today but as modernization inches toward the small villages, this archaic tradition is increasingly seen as obsolete. Only a few aging Sworn Virgins remain.”