

Found this guy.  He fucking rocks. Here’s some writing about him. The end. 

South Africa-based photographer and filmmaker Nico Krijno explores the connection and correspondence between the human body and its surroundings in an otherworldly way and always with a hidden sexual allusion, but these in equal measures with a particular focus on the humour that, as a matter, of fact stems from them. Through his passion for dirty and wild realism, he often shoots images of disparate mundane objects and everyday scenes, such as sausages and carrots on blindingly bright tropical shirts or a schoolgirl holding a snake. Nevertheless, the main subject of his photography art is his muse and girlfriend Mignonne. From a raw viewpoint, Krinjo aims to shoot all types of intimate surreality. With no digital cameras and an initial introduction to photography at his early childhood, his approach is intuitive, meticulous, honest, modern and purely hedonistic.
Krinjo has already worked with the likes of Nike and Levi’s and has seen his work featured in L’Officiel, Apartamento, Vice, Neon and Dazed & Confused. His first solo show, ‘On How To Fill Those Gaps’ took place in late 2011 – and the accompanying self published book – was widely lauded and selected works of him has since been exhibited in various group shows in Los Angeles and Glasgow.


Since 1988, over 19,000 rap songs have made reference to marijuana and cocaine. Far fewer have mentioned prescription drugs, Codeine and MDMA, though Sizzurp, that foul concoction of cough syrup, alcohol, soda, and Jolly Ranchers, seems to be having a resurgence. Meanwhile, rappers seem less interested in calling out specific alcohol brands today than they did in the mid 1990s.

These are some of the observations from Drug Slang in Hip Hop, a series of graphs that catalog drug references in rap lyrics between the late ‘80s through 2013. The charts break each drug into its various nicknames–i.e. cocaine, blow, piff, and eight ball–and show the “prevalence” of each name in a given year. (Prevalence is the number of songs with a specific drug reference divided by the total number of songs released that year.)

The graphs, which are based on a study of RapGenius lyrics, were commissioned by Project Know, an online resource for families and friends whose loved ones are struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. Mostly, it’s fascinating to see the spectrum of names for a single substance–and to speculate about the ebb and flow of their popularity. It’s striking, for example, to see the explosion in the number and overall volume of prescription drugs mentioned around 2006, and the rise of Adderall. “Along with the steep rise in various pain killers, including Percs, Lortab, and hydrocodone since the mid-2000s, Adderall’s popularity has surged,” the researchers have said.

It’s also interesting to see the rise and fall in popularity of certain alcohol brands, including a Patron spike starting in 2003, and the inexplicable durability of Hennessy.