rafael casal

When You Know by Rafael Casal

WHEN YOU KNOW ➖ I have searched Every cavity of me For the greatest compliment I could give you ➖ Surely something about How my high Is the sound of your laugh Spoon fed to me hot as heroin How I would die smiling With your needle In my arm How I would give up my last meal To land kisses on your abdomen Or how If made to choose I couldn’t trade you for the sun I only know how to love you like a fool, my dear And like a fool I brought No bullets in my gun So I won’t just tell you I love you again Because so does the universe And I am just one of a million byways it will lay at your feet to run ➖ But I need you to know What makes you different From any woman I’ve ever wanted for ➖ I could live In your shadow And be happy. ➖