The art berlin contemporary is right around the corner and will be opening its doors tomorrow. Of course we will be there, showing you the latest in art, installation, photography and more in collaboration with one of Berlin’s finest art blogs, Castor und Pollux. Amongst many other works, Berlin artist Paula Doepfner will be presenting one of her pieces. We visited her at her studio in Berlin Mitte to get to know her and her work better. For more pictures and a detailed interview over at Castor und Pollux, click here.
In her work the artist is particularly interested in the tension of the ephemeral and the transformation of certain materials. Objects that dissolve into their constituent shape and thereby initiate a new process, are an essential element of her work.
In some of her works water or rather ice are a central aspect and essential element. The fact that objects can be trapped in ice but will eventually released and that for example plants will pass over into a new process, as soon as they are surrounded by water, is a recurring theme in her work. Her work involving glass also play with the possibility of enclosing something and yet making it visible for everyone.