
this bitch is a boss. 

When set designer Nicola Yeoman emailed us to say her newly simplified website was live, I went to check the last time we’d featured her on the site. Astonishingly I found that aside from mentions in a feature by Dan Tobin Smith (with whom she collaborated on the Jay Z album The Blueprint 3) we had apparently never dedicated a post to her extraordinary talents in their own right. So consider this long overdue.

Nicola’s brilliance lies in creating imagery which the viewer assumes is computer generated, only to realise that in actual fact she’s built them exactly as they appear. The technical craft is hugely impressive and it’s no wonder that photographers from Jenny Van Sommmers to Sam Taylor Wood are queuing up to work with her.

Her new stripped-back portfolio includes some of her greatest hits as well as some interesting projects I hadn’t come across before so it’s well worth spending some time exploring.